Neutralitatea Republicii Moldova: În primul rând, este favorabilă Rusiei, susține Nosatii

Anatol Nosatii expressed the opinion that Moldova’s decision on the status of neutrality is in the interests of Russia, which uses various methods of hybrid warfare to prevent the strengthening of our defense capacity and cooperation with Western partners, including NATO. He believes that Russia is pursuing its own interests by seeking to maintain its post-Soviet status and is unhappy with any Moldovan ties with NATO. However, according to Nosatii, experience shows that this is not the case and that cooperation with NATO can be beneficial.

He also emphasized that Russia is the main threat to Moldova according to the new military security strategy. Although Russian troops cannot directly intervene because of Ukraine’s resistance, they use elements of hybrid warfare, such as propaganda and disinformation, to interfere in Moldova’s internal affairs.

Nosatii also discussed the presence of the Russian military in Transnistria, calling it a war crime. He said that this presence poses a threat to Moldova’s security and that the purpose of Russian troops in the region is not justified.

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